Common Mistakes To Avoid When Building Your Business Network

Just like any other business leader, my business network is an invaluable resource that I use to give my business a competitive edge. I use my business network to help build my company’s reputation, spread awareness of my brand, find collaborators, potential partners, clients, and more.
However, it’s not a tool that promises instant success. There are some common errors people make with customer relationship management and building their networks that affect their growth considerably. These networking mistakes can cause you to lose contacts and miss out on opportunities.
Fortunately, these mistakes are easily avoidable once you become aware of them. Here are some common networking mistakes that I have noticed and how to avoid them.
1. Don’t Skimp on Customer Relationship Management
Preparation is a vital step in many activities in life, and that goes for networking as well. I always make sure that I leave the house with some form of business card to exchange with others. I recommend digital business cards because they are always on hand no matter where I am, as long as I have my phone. In addition, I’m always prepared with answers to questions or a short pitch about my business and products for anyone who asks. Preparation has made networking easier and more natural between potential clients and myself.
I’ve found that it is a good thing to create an extensive business network with as many contacts as I can get. However, I make sure not to focus on quantity over quality. I need to ensure that the connections I make develop into constructive relationships that benefit both sides. Once I gain the contact information for a person, the relationship-building has begun. Be sure you pay attention to the connections you create and continue to build them up.
2. Be Prepared Before Going Out Business Networking
Business owners want to build an extensive lasting business network. However, if you neglect ways to present yourself, your preparation, and the quality of the connections you make, your network will suffer. For these reasons, I pay close and thoughtful attention to these areas to ensure that I build an enduring business network.
When I’m making new connections, I believe that it is crucial to make an excellent first impression. I always make sure that I’m dressed appropriately when meeting in person and follow online etiquette when networking online. I suggest wearing business casual clothes when going to networking events.
Whenever I start handing out business cards, I make sure that my email address and all of my usernames are correct and appropriate. Then, I make sure that I have a stack of business cards with me wherever I go. If you’re working on finding a new job, I would recommend carrying a few copies of a resume around with you as well.
Also, I always stay mindful of my conduct online. Companies can and will move on to the next candidate if they feel your online presence does not reflect their brand and ideals.
Finally, be prepared with a short pitch to introduce yourself and your experience. Keep it short and sweet.
3. Don’t Leave Your Business Network on Paper Anymore!
It’s time to join the digital age.
A contact manager is a tool you can use to help manage your business connections.
Apps such as StayTouch have helped me create a digital business card and seamlessly share it with anyone who is interested in my business. I can store my network data on a contact manager and have it backed up in the cloud, so my contact information is always organized and I can never lose it. These tools make organizing my network and exchanging contact information easy, fast, and organized!
StayTouch is a contact management app that allows you to manage and organize your contact information effortlessly. StayTouch can help you build your business network by making it easy to gain contact information and share yours. With Bluetooth or a QR code, you can send as much information to another as you want. Reach out today to request a demo and see your business network flourish with StayTouch.